Monday, October 29, 2007

In Vava'u

I survived the ferry ride! Anti-sea sick medicine (which also puts one to sleep) helped a lot! It wasn't a pleasant experience with multiple people trying to sleep in a very small space, but I guess it wasn't as bad as it could have been (read: getting sick over the side of the ship).

Vava'u is beautiful as anticipated but it is also so hot! Sweat (and cockroaches) are a common occurrence here. The new host family is good, but I do really miss my host family in Fua'amotu! I am becoming friends with a host daughter who's my age, so that is promising. Probably the most enjoyable experience has been serving kava (which is like alcohol but not). The men sit around and drink it while sometimes a woman serves. I've convinced to serve by a teacher and a fellow PC volunteer twice. It's basically a number of men finding unique ways to hit on you (usually in a polite fashion) and the other men laughing. I've gotten pretty good with the comebacks I think and I'm learning more Tongan (though maybe not the best Tongan to be learning...)! And the men often sing while they sit around and drink. Unlike men singing in bars in the US, this singing is really good! They do voice-parts and octaves and everything. I've figured out some good ways to get them to sing too! More soon...

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